Faithful Listening Faithful Learning Scholars Program

Faithful Listening Faithful Learning Scholars Program

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The program is open to undergraduates, graduate, and accelerated students. The program requires a commitment of two years or more, while studying at Holy Family. Ideally, a sophomore would continue in the program for three years, graduating from the program when they complete their baccalaureate degree.

The Faithful Listening Faithful Learning Scholars Program begins with an initial invitation by a faculty or staff member or student request. Each semester, the faculty, staff and students meet at dialog dinners where they discuss specific readings which all have had time to read and reflect upon in advance. This is designed to be a program which encourages all who gather to reflect on the topic of the evening and engage in critical thinking through the lens of our Mission statement and core values.

Students who “graduate” from the FLFL Scholars Program receive Faithful Listening Faithful Learning Scholars Program academic cords to be worn at graduation. Faculty members are encouraged to wear the cords at commencement, thus promoting the program.

The Faithful Listening Faithful Learning Scholars Program brings together students and faculty and staff who enjoy intellectual pursuits and thrive on a dialog that takes place in an environment of open souls, hearts, and minds that honors and welcomes every voice to the table. This reflects the Catholic Intellectual Tradition that recognizes the search for Truth as unending and teaches that the dialog should be inclusive of persons and points of view.

The program provides a safe and confidential environment within which this dialog is fostered for the benefit of all participants. Dialogs will be dialogs of faith and reason, deepened by the awareness that “Faithful Listening” will open doors to new insights and resonances that can be transformational if one is open enough, trusts oneself and trusts others. Above all, the reception of optimal benefits rests in the conviction that God will bless humble hearts who park their egos at the door and surrender to the power of His Infinite Wisdom to bless.

The program provides an opportunity for integration of the University Mission and, by association, the Congregation’s Charism of Family and values into the teaching-learning experience of students and faculty and staff at Holy Family University. The aim is to do this in a very clear and visible way so that the values are not hidden, but are addressed and appreciated in the process of applying them to a person’s individual struggle to balance faith and reason throughout the learning process.

The program offers a means to refine critical thinking skills. Through the sharing of stories, dialog, and reflection, the program encourages the discovery of life’s deeper meaning and significance. Additionally, the program strives to ensure that the deeper level of appreciation of life that is expected to develop embraces the Truth that the greatest meaning comes from the realization that humans were created as communal beings and happiness and fulfillment comes ONLY through SERVICE to others (FAMILY), and to God, who created us in His image.

How Do I Apply to Become a Student Scholar or Faculty/Staff Mentor?

Submit Your Application Online:   

Have Any Questions?

Questions may be directed to Sister Rita Fanning, CSFN, Vice President for Mission and Belonging who is the program facilitator. She may be reached at All applications to participate should be sent to Sister Fanning at